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How to Access Your Digital Diploma

You will receive an email with a link to download your credential when it is available from our trusted partner, CeCredentialTrust. To request a new download link, please use the CeCredential Trust site to resend the link.

A CEDiploma Validation Profess where a key is entered to showcase how the valdiation process works

The Benefits of Going Digital

It's a secure, verifiable and official PDF you can share

  • Employers love the CeDiploma! It is simple to read, easy to understand, and is directly validated by your institution in seconds.
  • Enjoy unlimited sharing with family, friends, and employers. You can even share it on social media!
  • Show instant proof of your education using Validation Services.
  • Save the PDF on as many devices as you want.
  • Enhance your resume by adding the CeDiD* and validation URL directly to it!

*CeDiD = a unique 12-digit Certified Electronic Document Identifier

Note: A credential may not be available for all conferral dates. For security reasons, the electronic credential cannot be printed.

For additional information about digital credentials, their features, trademarks and patents, please visit cecredentialtrust.com.


Validate the authenticity of a CeDiploma or CeCertificate

NOTE: CeDiplomas are only available for conferral dates beginning June 2016.

More About Digital Credentials


Learn More about the CeDiploma or CeCertificate.


Learn more about the CeDiploma features.


View commonly asked questions about the CeDiploma or CeCertificate